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py-flask-restplus Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development
py-flask-script Scripting support for Flask
py-flask-security Simple security for Flask apps
py-flask-sendmail Flask extension to send mails with sendmail
py-flask-session Adds server-side session support to your Flask application
py-flask-simplelogin (V) Flask Simple Login - Login Extension for Flask
py-flask-sqlalchemy Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application
py-flask-sslify Force SSL on your Flask app
py-flask-static-digest Flask extension for md5 tagging and gzipping static files
py-flask-testing Unit testing for Flask
py-flask-uploads Flexible and efficient upload handling for Flask
py-flask-user Customizable user account management for Flask
py-flask-webpack Flask extension to manage assets with Webpack
py-flask-wtf Simple integration of Flask and WTForms
py-flup WSGI support modules
py-FormEncode HTML form validation, generation, and conversion package
py-furl URL manipulation made simple
py-FxA Firefox Accounts client library for Python
py-genshi Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
py-google-api-python-client Python client library for Google's discovery based APIs
py-goose3 (V) Html Content / Article Extractor, web scrapping for Python3
py-grab (V) Web Scraping Framework
py-graphmin (V) RDF Graph Minimisation
py-graphql-core (V) GraphQL.js, the JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL
py-graphql-relay (V) Relay library for graphql-core-next
py-grappelli_safe Permanent fork of Grapelli admin skin for Mezzanine
py-gunicorn Python WSGI HTTP server
py-h11 Pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1
py-h2 HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation
py-hishel Persistent cache implementation for httpx and httpcore
py-honcho (V) Clone of Foreman, for managing Procfile-based applications
py-html5-parser (V) Fast, standards-compliant, C-based HTML5 parser
py-html5lib (V) HTML5 parser and tokenizer
py-HTMLgen Class library for the generation of HTML documents
py-htmlmin (V) HTML Minifier
py-http_ece Python support for the encryped Content-Encoding (RFC 8188)
py-http-prompt (V) Interactive HTTP command-line client
py-httpbin HTTP Request and Response Service
py-httpcore Minimal low-level HTTP client
py-httpie Human-friendly command line HTTP client
py-httplib2 Comprehensive http client library for Python
py-httpretty HTTP client mock for Python
py-httptools Collection of framework independent HTTP protocol utils
py-httpx The next generation HTTP client
py-httpx-socks Proxy (HTTP, SOCKS) transports for httpx
py-hug (V) Developing APIs as simple as possible, but no simpler
py-hyperframe HTTP/2 framing layer for Python
py-hyperkitty Web interface to access GNU Mailman v3 archives
py-hyperlink Featureful, correct URL for Python
py-idna Python module for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
py-ipywidgets IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter
py-jonpy Tools for FastCGI/CGI Python programs
py-jsonrequester (V) Library for client JSON REST requests
py-jupyter_server Backend for Jupyter web applications
py-jupyter-lsp Multi-Language Server WebSocket proxy for Jupyter Notebook/Lab server
py-jupyterlab Next-generation user interface for Project Jupyter
py-jupyterlab-server Server components for JupyterLab and JupyterLab like applications
py-jupyterlab-widgets Jupyter interactive widgets for JupyterLab
py-jwcrypto Implementation of JOSE Web standards
py-klein Micro-framework for developing web services
py-laces Django components that know how to render themselves
py-landslide Generate HTML5 slideshows from markdown, ReST, or textile
py-lazr.restfulclient (V) Provide added functionality on top of wadllib
py-legacy-cgi Fork of the standard cgi and cgitb modules, deprecated in PEP-594
py-livereload Python web server for developers
py-logtools (V) Log files analysis/filtering framework written in Python
py-lti1p3 LTI 1.3 Advantage Tool implementation in Python
py-mark (V) RDF Bookmarking Utilities
py-mastodon (V) Python wrapper for the Mastodon API
py-matrix-angular-sdk (V) AngularJS services for implementing the Client-Server API
py-mdurl Markdown URL utilities
py-MechanicalSoup Library for automating interaction with websites
py-mechanize Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python
py-meinheld Python WSGI HTTP server
py-mezzanine Open source content management platform on Django
py-mitmproxy2swagger (V) Convert mitmproxy captures to OpenAPI 3.0 specification
py-mkdocs-material-extensions (V) Extension pack for Python Markdown
py-mod_wsgi WSGI module for apache
py-model_mommy Smart object creation facility for Django
py-moin MoinMoin, a Python clone of WikiWiki
py-moksha-common (V) Common components for Moksha
py-moya (V) Web development platform
py-mozcrash (V) Library for printing stack traces from minidumps
py-mozdebug (V) Utilities for running applications under native code debuggers intended for use in Mozilla testing
py-mozhttpd (V) Python webserver intended for use with Mozilla testing
py-mozinfo (V) Library to get system information for use in Mozilla testing
py-mozlog (V) Robust log handling specialized for logging in the Mozilla universe
py-mozpower (V) Mozilla-authored power usage measurement tools
py-mozprocess (V) Mozilla-authored process handling
py-mozterm (V) Terminal abstractions built around the blessings module
py-mozversion (V) Library to get version information for applications
py-msedge-selenium-tools (V) Updated EdgeDriver implementation for Selenium 3
py-msgraph-core (V) Lightweight wrapper around the Microsoft Graph API
py-multipart Parser for multipart/form-data
py-nbclassic Jupyter Notebook as a Jupyter Server extension
py-nbclient Client library for executing notebooks
py-nbconvert Converting Jupyter Notebooks
py-nbformat Jupyter Notebook format
py-nh3 Python bindings for Ammonia HTML cleaner
py-notebook Web-based notebook environment for interactive computing